◆Efforts to Improve Psychological Safety
The Company is working to create a workplace that ensures psychological safety where “everyone in the organization and team can openly express their opinions, regardless of position or experience.” This is because, in an uncertain and rapidly changing business environment, it is necessary for each site to make decisions flexibly, take on challenges, and respond autonomously and swiftly, instead of the conventional method in which only a few managers make decisions and give instructions from top to bottom.
We started this initiative in 2019 and conduct training and periodic surveys in Japan. Since FY2021, we have introduced the concept of psychological safety into our personnel evaluation system and implemented 360-degree evaluations, with the expectation that managers can demonstrate high management skills and create an environment in which employees can play an active role with peace of mind. Furthermore, since April 2022, as one of the priority measures of the “Job Satisfaction Reform Project,” we have formed a “Psychological Safety Promotion Team” consisting of selected members from each business site to practice psychological safety in each workplace and work to instill it throughout the Company.
In recognition of these efforts, the Company was selected to receive the Gold Ring Award at Psychological Safety Award 2022 organized by ZENTech, Inc.

Psychological Safety Promotion Team members
◆Development of a working environment where employees can concentrate on work in a pleasant way
We are working to create a work environment where employees can concentrate on their work comfortably.
As a measure to respond to diverse work styles, we have introduced a system that allows employees to take multi-purpose leave such as for childcare, nursing care, and volunteer work, as well as paid leave on an hourly basis. In addition, we have established a system to accept employees who have left the company for certain reasons including childcare, nursing care, and the relocation of their spouse, for supporting both work and family. We have also introduced a telecommuting system to improve infrastructure including the IT environment and regulations.
To ensure that teamwork is not compromised even when face-to-face communication opportunities are reduced, we are focusing on initiatives to improve management skills suitable for remote environments and mental health care. We provided training on communication skills and self-care for new employees who had difficulty building personal connections or receiving on-the-job training in the workplace. In addition, since employees who are assigned overseas may be confused by differences in lifestyles, values, work methods, etc., we have built a system that allows them to receive counseling online at any time.
In addition, we conduct labor management training and stress management training for managers and supervisors and promote efforts to ensure proper labor management based on compliance and to realize a stress-free workplace environment.
◆Improvement of ICT environment
Responding to the diversification of employment and work style, efforts have been made to improve the ICT (information and communication technology) environment so that employees experiencing various situations (location/time/distance) can work in a flexible way.
With regard to the work-from-home system that had been introduced but limited to only some employees, we were planning to implement it to cover the whole company. As one measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we launched the system in FY2019 ahead of schedule. Under the system, through data sharing in cloud environment, Web meetings, etc., many employees have become able to work in almost the same environment as the office. Particularly for employees with children who need to be home due to temporary school closure, this system allows them to practice childcare while doing their job and is effective also from the standpoint of business continuity.
◆Efforts at Boosting Work Efficiency
In the Business Reform Project, we are working to improve business efficiency across business divisions. In FY2021, we achieved significant reductions in man-hours by standardizing sales management operations and promoting the use of RPA and automation tools for approval flows. We are continuing to automate routine tasks and shift employees to high-value-added tasks.
◆Group-wide joint summer evening festival
With the aim of promoting friendships among employees, a joint summer evening festival is held every other year on a group-wide basis. The employees themselves take the initiative in planning and managing the entire process, including venue decoration and preparation of foods/drinks/programs, such as entertainment and lottery, as well as facilitation on the festival day. The festival welcomes employees’ families as well, and it has evolved into a major event filled with much festivity. The event was postponed for a while due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but in 2023 it was able to be held for the first time in four years, with many employees participating and the summer festival being a huge success.
Promotion of Diversity
One of “Tamura Group Mission” guidelines is “great importance to individualities”.
By establishing a system that can respond to diversity and a variety of lifestyles, we aim to develop a work environment where everyone regardless of gender or nationality can continue to work with peace in mind for a long time.