Disclosure Policy

Information Disclosure Policy

Tamura Group, consisting of Tamura Corporation and its group companies, shall disclose accurate information in a timely manner to enhance understanding and trust of its stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, suppliers, employees and local communities, as stipulated in the Tamura Group Code of Conduct, which is available on its website.

Disclosure Methods

◆Any information required by the timely disclosure rules of Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) and/or the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and other laws and regulations shall be disclosed in a timely manner via EDINET and TDnet, as the case may be, as well as on the Group’s website.

◆Tamura Group holds a financial results briefing for analysts and investors semiannually at the second quarter and annual results announcements. Videos and presentations used at the briefing are made available on the website.

◆In addition to legally required information, Tamura Group provides other useful information for the benefit of stakeholders via its website, various publications and other communication media.

Process for Timely Disclosure

Tamura Group ensures that material decisions and incidents of the Group are determined by or reported to the Board of Directors, the Audit and Supervisory Committee and the Executive Committee or other key decision-making bodies.
A reporting system is in place so that a sudden material incident can be informed to the top management promptly.
Further, an Executive Officer is appointed to be in charge of Information Disclosure, who shall collect, manage, and ensure timely and fair disclosure of corporate information including financial statements that might have an important influence on investors' investment decisions.
In addition, the information disclosed at the Tokyo Stock Exchange, where Tamura Corporation is listed, is promptly disclosed on the Group's website for the convenience of investors.
Tamura Group has established internal rules regarding the prevention of insider trading and strictly managing insider information to ensure fair price formation and prevent insider trading.

Forecasts and Other Forward-Looking Statements

Some information disclosed by Tamura Group includes forward-looking statements such as its plans, forecasts or strategies, which are based on information currently available and on certain assumptions deemed to be reasonable. Therefore, actual results may differ significantly due to various factors, including subsequent economic or social conditions.

Quiet Periods

Tamura Group has specified the period from the day following the end of each quarter to the business results announcement date for the said quarter as a quiet period to ensure fairness in information disclosure. During this period, the Group in principle refrains from responding to any inquiries on its financial results and making any comments thereof except the information already published. Should Tamura Group become aware of a significant difference between the publicly announced forecasts and actual results, it shall disclose such information timely via TDnet even in a quiet period.