Top>Gate Driver>Gate Driver Unit>2EG-B Series
Gate Driver Unit 2EG-B Series

2EG-B series is suitable for SiC power module. Built-in isolated DC/DC converter and gate drive circuit and short circuit detection voltage have already been set. Gate resistance is not assembled. They must be assembled by the user before operation.
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Data sheet
Materials are in preparation
Suitable Gate driver for Mitsubishi Electric NX SiC industrial Power Modules
VDS(V) | ID(A) | Part no | TAMURA Gate Driver P/N* |
1200 | 600 | FMF600DXE-24BN | 2EG01XBxN18NP |
1700 | 600 | FMF600DXE-34BN | 2EG01XBxN18NP |
x: Signal input voltage selectable “C” => 3.3~15V “D” => 15V
* Model name for product under development is subject to be changed.
Suitable Gate driver for RDHM
VDS(V) | ID(A) | Port no | TAMURA Gate Driver P/N |
1200 | 180 | BSM180D12P2E002 | 2EG01XBxN13N |
300 | BSM300D12P2E001 | 2EG01XBxN13N | |
300 | BSM300D12P3E005 | 2EG01XBxN14N | |
400 | BSM400D12P2E003 | 2EG01XBxN13N | |
400 | BSM400D12P3E002 | 2EG01XBxN14N | |
600 | BSM600D12P3E001 | 2EG01XBxN14N | |
1700 | 250 | BSM250D17P2E004 | 2EG01XBxN13N |
x: Signal input voltage selectable “C” => 3.3~15V “D” => 15V